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Social Media Marketing for Business

Dennis Yu

一月 21, 2015

如果你想成为一个成功的营销, 你必须让这对他们

一月 21, 2015 | 由 | 没有评论">没有评论

你没有废话,关心销售– 没有时间绒毛.


您的文章得到几乎没有任何接触,你会注意到,这是由于你 有几乎没有任何覆盖.
Facebook的只是试图向企业主喧嚣我们 支付曝光, 你说.

愤怒, 你威胁转移到Pinterest的, Instagram的, 或其他网络.
然而,你遇到了同样的情况, 由于这些社交网络在同一原则运作.
事实上, 它的运行,这些公司的原班人马, 因为他们转业每隔几年, 垂涎的下一个IPO.

它们具有 营销渠道 这是空的观众, 疲软的参与, 和所有集中转换.


这就像你种植的番茄种子,将其拔出地面 15 几秒钟后 检查蔬菜.
像求爱过程, 你必须弹出的问题,通过前阶段的培养你的客户.

因为它涉及到社会化媒体, 我们认为最强大的秘密是赞美你的客户.

飘柔,当地的社区银行是能够养活 3,000 今年的圣诞节, 部分与你的志愿者的支持.

当你让他们感到特别的– 把他们的名字在灯, 神奇的事情发生了.
他们成为你的营销引擎– 他们 做营销的你.
他们的话进行更加信任比你以往任何时候都不会, 尤其 在他们的朋友.

如果你还相信 “卡内基沟通与人际关系”, 真正的赞美是金.
人们喜欢听到自己的名字,并谈论自己, 尤其是当赞美是诚实的.

你不想成为 “那家伙” 谁只想谈谈自己的东西.
你见过那个人谁的意见大家作为目标– 钱包被窃取, 没有一个人被人爱.

特隆Jordheim冰CMO的存储沃尔玛, 自储存设施全国连锁.

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闪烁, 我知道, 权?

但不是说说无聊的举动,在特价, 他知道,所有的存储单元都只是钢箱.
这是人, 服务, 以及他们如何对待你的事项.

所以他的团队创造了 StorageMart给出 Facebook页面谈论一切,除了销售存储单元.
他们谈论如何组织你的家,当亲戚过来, 分享洁癖存储单元搞笑俄罗斯方块般的画面, 存储大战的最新一集, 或慈善机构,他们正在支持.


汽车保险是不是比任何存储更精彩, 但他们知道如何有一番情趣.

过圣诞, 他们惊讶的随机客户, 员工, 并与东西像冰淇淋广大市民, 支付账单, 并购买他们的气.

Of course, they had some ad dollars behind it to ensure reach.

These companies are measuring the impact of building audience and engagement– to see how many quotes they get for auto insurance and storage rentals. They know how many people are more likely to search Google for Storage-Mart or Direct Auto when it’s time to rent a space or get insurance.

They then can calculate the value of their social media efforts over time.

When you make it about THEM, you don’t get the immediate sale, but you do get loyalty over the long term.

You don’t get to decide when they buy, but you know they’ll be choosing you when it’s time, because of what their friends said and what you stand for.

What are you doing to elevate your customers and grow your community presence?

Are you also measuring the value of these efforts through the funnel, backed by clear goals, content, and targeting?



Dennis Yu is the Chief Technology Officer of BlitzMetrics, a digital marketing company which partners with schools to train young adults.

Dennis’s program centers around mentorship, helping students grow their expertise to manage social campaigns for enterprise clients like the Golden State Warriors, Nike, and Rosetta Stone.

He’s an internationally recognized lecturer in Facebook Marketing and has spoken in 17 countries, spanning 5 continents, including keynotes at L2E, Gultaggen, and Marketo Summit.

Dennis has been featured in The Wall Street Journal, New York Times, LA Times, National Public Radio, TechCrunch, Fox News, CBS Evening News and is co-author of Facebook Nation – a textbook taught in over 700 colleges and universities.

He’s a regular contributor for Adweek’s SocialTimes column and has published in Social Media Examiner, Social Media Club, Tweak Your Biz, B2C, Social Fresh, and Heyo.

He held leadership positions at Yahoo! and American Airlines and studied Finance and Economics at Southern Methodist University as well as London School of Economics. He ran collegiate cross-country at SMU and has competed in over 20 marathons including a 70 mile ultramarathon.

Besides being a Facebook data and ad geek, you can find him eating chicken wings or playing Ultimate Frisbee in a city near you.

You can contact him at, his blog, or on Facebook.