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Social Media Marketing for Business

Peyton Watkins


January 20, 2015

5 Must Haves For A Successful Facebook Campaign

January 20, 2015 | By | One Comment">One Comment

Running a Facebook campaign is simple, but there are several key elements you should give a little extra attention to in order to ensure success. Just like meeting people, a first impression is everything with a campaign to get people interested in learning more.

Make your campaign pop with clean text, a great prize and awesome graphics.

1. Graphics

The first thing to grab the attention of your audience is the image have chosen! According to the University of Alabama, 65 percent of us are visual learners. At this point in time, people want to see as much as they can rather than read about it, so really make your graphics great!

Facebook Campaign

2. Clean Fonts

Ensuring your font flows with your images and other elements is a big key to visually stimulation. Having miss matched fonts can be an eyesore and make readers click away due to a lack of consistency. You also want to ensure the font is easily read. What good is text if it isn’t readable?

Clean Fonts

 3. Simple Wording

We all know contests have rules, but don’t over describe them. Campaigns full of wording will send readers into overload and deter them from entering. No one wants to read a novel to enter a contest!

Simple Wording

4. Promoting on Social Media

Share your campaign with the world! Getting the word out there about your campaign is the key to capturing the most email leads. You are not limited to just Facebook for promoting either. Email Lists, Twitter, Pinterest and Instagram are great outlets to grab attention!

Social Media

5. Great Prize

Having a good prize is essential in gaining entries. Your own services may seem like a great idea, but try to choose a prize that will really interest your audience and not require them to consider entering, but rather make them instantly want to enter.
Great Prize

Ultimately, always keep your target audience in mind throughout the campaign process. As long as the campaign appeals to the masses you are interested in, you will be able to gain leads and expand your email lists. Another tip is to think about what would keep your interest rather than turn you away. Try your best to keep possible leads from clicking the back button! Good luck and promote to the max!