How Exceptional Customer Care Drives Word of Mouth Marketing
January 16, 2015 | By Jay M. Tucker | No Comments">No Comments
There are few things that can make someone happier than genuine surprise. Whether that’s one of your best friends bringing your favorite cookies after you get a promotion, or if it’s simply a letter of encouragement from someone close to you when you are going through rough times.
Personally, those are some of the memories that stick out to me the most about the individuals I consider dear to my heart. To put a cliché quote behind it, “it’s not what they did or said, but how they made you feel.”
So, what does this have anything to do with growing your business? For starters, here is a little quote that reminds me of why customer service in general is so important.
“Your customer doesn’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.” – Damon Richards.
There are some businesses that provide really great customer care and engagement, and I bet you already thought of one, or a couple, that you have come into contact with recently. That is the exact reason for this post here today. Word of mouth is one of the strongest marketing tools in today’s world.
A huge part of getting that positive word of mouth is the quality of customer service that your business provides. As I mentioned up above, sometimes the best way to get customers to love you brand is with a surprise, just a little something to let them know you are thinking of them. With that being said, here are some small strategies to get you started surprising and delighting your customers.
The Post Itself
A Facebook status update, Tweet, Instagram post, or so on is a great tool to show your whole fan base something going on with the business. But have you ever tailored one of those posts to communicate with customers or fans directly? By communicating directly I’m not saying just to ask them a general question in the post, but tag that individual in the post and ask for their feedback on something your business is doing or could change to do.
Send Them Thanks
If part of your business model requires getting a shipping address for an individual, just send them a care package to thank them for being loyal to your brand for so long. This can be anything just to show them you appreciate them and I assure they they will enjoy that surprise.

Feature Them on your Page
It’s great to have social proof as a part of your marketing tactic. If you have seen someone liking a lot of your posts or favoriting Tweets, reach out to them asking if you can feature them on your page. This is a great tool not only to get them excited, but it shows “real people” using your product or service.
These are just a few of the ways that you can take care of your customers and make them more loyal in the long run. Comment below with other tactics you have found successful to help someone else’s business grow just as it helped yours!