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Social Media Marketing for Business

Alexa Lemzy


March 29, 2016

7 Tools to Skyrocket Your Mobile Marketing Efforts

March 29, 2016 | By | One Comment">One Comment


Mobile marketing is all the rage in advertising these days. From mobile apps to SMS marketing, the business world has definitely gone mobile. Considering that apps make up 89% of mobile media time as compared to only 11% spent on websites, a mobile app is a must-have for any business. And it seems that most businesses are already onboard with 70% of marketers believing that mobile marketing is core to their business.

As mobile marketing strategies become more advanced, more targeted and more streamlined, some businesses may find themselves lagging behind the new trends while those in-the-know see their revenues increase by leaps and bounds.

Don’t get left behind. Take advantage of the tools available to stay competitive and get the most out of your mobile marketing strategies. Here’s a list of the latest top tools to enhance your mobile marketing campaign:


The beauty of this service is that they’ve gone beyond calculating page views and instead focus on user actions. It tells you what people are doing while using your app, whether it’s listening to music, playing a video game or any other activity. It even goes beyond that.

On their landing page they feature some example questions Mixpanel can answer including: “Which photo filter do people use the most when they share a photo?” and “If they came from Facebook, what is the distribution of points that people earn when they beat a level in my game?” Mixpanel is that specific. Highly praised for its effective targeting (obviously) and retention rates, it offers tiered prices, so businesses of any size can use it.


A child of Yahoo, Flurry offers analytics, app publishing and marketing and in-app sharing to Tumblr. The focus is on advertising on Yahoo and monetizing your app. As promised, they’ll teach you to “build, enhance, earn and advertise” with their APIs and tools. Their tailored marketing service considers your business goals rather than offering a one-size-fits-all approach.


Mobile apps are great, but if you’re not taking advantage of the incredible success that SMS marketing has produced, you need to get onboard asap. Text messages have a 98% open rate as compared to emails, which lag way behind with only a 22% open rate. And 90% of texts are opened within 3 minutes of being received.

Around since the dawn of the SMS marketing craze, TextMagic is a bulk SMS marketing service that allows you to text opted-in customers about sales, promotions and events. Affordable texting prices and prepaid, contract-free messaging make it ideal for small businesses.


Always the innovator and never one to let a trend get ahead of them, Facebook has introduced a new feature for businesses called Audience Network. This feature allows you to bring the success of your Facebook ads to your business apps. It’s easy to use and increases user engagement across your business’ mobile platforms.

When you consider 72% of adult internet users have a Facebook account, and that as of 2015, 6% of all time spent on mobile apps was with Audience Network, you’d be wise to keep up with any marketing tools they release.


This concept takes the idea that customers respond to marketing that brings them benefits and value and makes that the main focus of your campaign. This program raises awareness of your brand and builds loyalty through customizable rewards programs.

They also have a cool “Moments Targeting” program that’s basically a virtual high-five, congratulating users on completing various tasks on their mobile devices. Of course, it also comes with the usual data and analytics, demographics and location tracking. But the main thing it brings to your brand is positivity and customer rewards.


It is a new mobile marketing service that allows you to manage unlimited mobile apps and push messages. It incorporates automated targeting and location-based messages. When a customer is in range of your location, it sends them a push message. It uses demographics, user preferences and purchase history to send targeted messages and works with SMS, MMS, push messages and emails. (Compatible with iOS and Android.)


Their focus is on enhancing the success of your mobile ad campaigns. They basically streamline your marketing budget based on performance and priorities and eliminate unnecessary SDKs. Their advanced dashboard allows you to see the metrics of your marketing efforts.

You can effectively manage rewarded video ads to optimize sales and revenue. You also gain access to advertisers on MoPub Marketplace, which boasts the biggest RTB exchange for mobile apps. (Works with both iOS and Android apps.)

As developers reach new heights in mobile marketing technology, businesses will achieve greater results and increased ROI. Stay ahead of the curve by leveraging the latest tools for your marketing strategy.



Alexa Lemzy is the content manager and customer support person at TextMagic. She is passionate about mobile marketing, customer experience and communication. Feel free to drop her a line on Twitter.