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Social Media Marketing for Business



October 9, 2011

One Weird “Trick” to Generate More Money on Your Fan Page

October 9, 2011 | By | 37 Comments">37 Comments

Today, I am a phone sales representative. My boss is a jerk. I have to sell $35,000 worth of cell phones by the end of the year and it’s just not going to happen.

So… I had to try something to keep my job.I have a son, he’s 23, and he just got mad at me for “friending” him on Facebook.

Being a “Facebook Parent” made me feel cool but I never knew it help me generate a ton of money!

I’ve heard the stories of authors, restaurants, wedding planners, and other marketers making “bank” on Facebook. I had a little strategy I wanted to try.

Could I make my $35,000 sales quota all through Facebook?

The strategy that saved my job

People get emotional on Facebook. I sell phones. What emotion would people have where they would want to buy a phone?

I thought about my 23 year old son. He would always party late and then manage to drop his phone in some kind of water. Toilets, drinks, pools, ponds, and fish bowls. You name it and my sons phone found it. … and, if his phone was wet, he’d need a new one.

Here is the opportunity

1. Type “Phone water” in Facebook search and then select the magnifying glass on the right of the search bar.

TIP: Add quotes around your search term to only show public updates with your terms right next to each other. Example: “Search Term”

2. Click “Public Posts” on the left side navigation

3. Check that out! Thousands of others folks, just like my son, enjoyed dropping their phones in water and needed to find new ones. Ok… 1 point for me! I was on to something

How you get the sale

If I was using traditional marketing terms, Facebook has just spit out a ton of “leads”. What you should see each of these updates as is an opportunity to meet a need.

These folks are in distress because their phones are not working. They are practically begging for a new phone. This is your opportunity to send them a value driven message like:

” Hey there [Insert Name], I would have tried to call you but I know your phone isn’t working. On my fan page I help folks get new phones quickly. I know it’s such a pain trying to do anything with no phone. I hope I can help you quickly so you can get back in touch with your friends!”

The key here is to focus on delivering value and meeting the emotional need the person has. Don’t spam them with your links. Tell them how you can help them and they’ll start asking questions.

Next, drive them to your fan page where they can purchase a new phone right in your tab. Keeping them in Facebook makes them feel comfortable and increases your conversion rates.

Heck yeah! Daddy-phone-sales-man is about to have massive Facebook success and get a ton of “boss love”!

Search terms for your niche

  • Author (On healthy living): “feel unhealthy”
  • Plumber: “broken toilet”
  • Wedding Planner: “got engaged”
  • Realtor in Virginia: “moving to Virginia”
  • Car sales: “car wreck”
  • Red Bull: “need energy”

How about you?

What search terms would you use for your products and services? Scroll down and let us know in the comments section.


Nathan Latka has supported the growth of over 100,000 small businesses using social media and data driven campaigns — all without a college degree.