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Social Media Marketing for Business

Amra Tareen


Settembre 24, 2013

Facebook Pagamenti e Rise of Social Commerce

Settembre 24, 2013 | Da | Un commento"& Gt;Un commento

Facebook’s more than one billion active users equal an enormous captive and potentially lucrative audience for entrepreneurs. The promise of commerce on the platform, tuttavia, è stato ostacolato da programma Credits imperfetti e per fortuna ora defunta di Facebook.

A partire da settembre 13th, Credits è stato sostituito da valute locali, o semplicemente "Pagamenti,", Che è più liscia, più veloce, easier and more flexible. Now if you want to buy something inside Facebook there are no extra steps like having to first purchase credits before using them to buy something else.

Sembra folle col senno di poi, destra? People are used to seeing something they want and just buying it. Entrepreneurs count on that easy path to purchase to boost sales. Passaggi extra uccidere conversioni se la gente deve pensare due volte, o fare uno sforzo maggiore del necessario sono suscettibili di scomparire prima di acquistare.

Utilizzando Pagamenti è facile; it doesn’t look or feel like anything new or onerous. It’s just click a “Buy” button and use whatever currency you’re used to using on the Web: PayPal, una carta di credito o un buono regalo. Semplice. Veloce. Familiar. Payments works across the globe too, with localized currencies. Anyone can sell anything directly to anyone else through the Social Network. We’ll call it, "Rise of Social Commerce."

Social commerce isn’t conducted from a central point. It’s distributed from the edges, viral and unobtrusive to the user experience. Like I said, people hate to learn new to do new things. The harder it is to learn, the greater the chance of failure. That’s why Payments is so important for buying and selling on Facebook.

Una volta accoppiato con l'Application Canvas strettamente integrato, Payments perfectly complements commerce initiatives inside of Facebook—you no longer have to push people to another site. Both the Canvas app and Payments quickly reach the global Facebook audience using the social graph. The two working in tandem make content commerce infinitely sharable, almost effortless. It’s true viral marketing and sales together.

Anche se ben intenzionati, Credits slowed that process. It added an extra step on top of already complex problems like pricing in different currencies; dover interrogare il server crediti e il server del negozio per prezzi in tempo reale e rallentato le operazioni, per citare solo alcuni esempi.

Pagamenti elimina questi ostacoli e fornisce una maggiore flessibilità, come la tariffazione puntuale (Credits dovevano essere arrotondati al più vicino $ .10) and being able to price virtual goods appropriately for different markets. Say you’re selling a game here and somewhere overseas. Using Payments, pricing può essere modificato per massimizzare i profitti qui ampliando nel contempo la base di utenti con una opzione meno costosa per altri mercati, allo stesso tempo.

Payments also provides a platform for buying and selling directly to and from one another other by using the social graph to accelerate audience and revenue growth. That’s going to encourage the development of a host of new businesses designed specifically for social commerce.

La nostra azienda, LittleCast launched at the same time Facebook was sunsetting Credits and transitioning to the Payments platform. It paves the way for the viral marketing and sales we count on to help video producers get better known. As soon as video is uploaded to LittleCast, we place an in-line media player directly into the producer’s Facebook Timeline. The video becomes visible in the producer’s friends’ and fans’ Newsfeeds, where they can watch a 30-second preview and immediately make a purchase—all without leaving Facebook. As users purchase, il contenuto diventa disponibile per altri di news feed degli acquirenti.

Pagamenti aiuta il pubblico ha colpito "Buy" senza pensarci troppo e senza dover lasciare il sito. Vendere e comprare contenuti video è ora veloce, senza soluzione di continuità, sociale e meglio di tutti, I pagamenti rappresenta una nuova opportunità che non interrompe il vecchio modo le persone sono abituate a condurre gli affari.

Amra Tareen


Amra Tareen is the CEO of LittleCast. Previously she founded, was a partner at Sevin Rosen Funds, was a Director of Product Marketing at Ascend Communications, and was a part of the Global Leadership Development Program at Lucent. She has a BS in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from University of New South Wales in Australia and an MBA from Harvard.