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Social Media Marketing for Business

Amra Tareen


Septiembre 24, 2013

Los pagos de Facebook y la subida de Comercio Social

Septiembre 24, 2013 | Por | Un Comentario"& Gt;Un Comentario

Facebook’s more than one billion active users equal an enormous captive and potentially lucrative audience for entrepreneurs. The promise of commerce on the platform, sin embargo, se ha visto obstaculizado por Créditos defectuosos y por suerte ya desaparecida programa de Facebook.

A partir de septiembre 13º, Créditos fue reemplazado por monedas locales, o simplemente "Pagos,", Que es más suave, más rápido, easier and more flexible. Now if you want to buy something inside Facebook there are no extra steps like having to first purchase credits before using them to buy something else.

Suena loco en retrospectiva, derecho? People are used to seeing something they want and just buying it. Entrepreneurs count on that easy path to purchase to boost sales. Pasos adicionales matar conversiones de si la gente tiene que pensar dos veces, o hacer más esfuerzo de lo necesario que es probable que desaparecer antes de comprar.

El uso de pagos es fácil; it doesn’t look or feel like anything new or onerous. It’s just click a “Buy” button and use whatever currency you’re used to using on the Web: PayPal, una tarjeta de crédito o un certificado de regalo. Simple. Rápido. Familiar. Payments works across the globe too, with localized currencies. Anyone can sell anything directly to anyone else through the Social Network. We’ll call it, "El aumento de Comercio Social."

Social commerce isn’t conducted from a central point. It’s distributed from the edges, viral and unobtrusive to the user experience. Like I said, people hate to learn new to do new things. The harder it is to learn, the greater the chance of failure. That’s why Payments is so important for buying and selling on Facebook.

Cuando se combina con la aplicación de la lona estrechamente integrada, Payments perfectly complements commerce initiatives inside of Facebook—you no longer have to push people to another site. Both the Canvas app and Payments quickly reach the global Facebook audience using the social graph. The two working in tandem make content commerce infinitely sharable, almost effortless. It’s true viral marketing and sales together.

Aunque bien intencionado, Credits slowed that process. It added an extra step on top of already complex problems like pricing in different currencies; tener que consultar al servidor de créditos y el servidor del proveedor para la fijación de precios en tiempo real y ralentizado las transacciones, por citar sólo algunos ejemplos.

Pagos elimina esos obstáculos y proporciona una mayor flexibilidad, tales como la fijación de precios exacta (Créditos tuvieron que ser redondeado al más cercano $ .10) and being able to price virtual goods appropriately for different markets. Say you’re selling a game here and somewhere overseas. Using Payments, la fijación de precios puede ser modificado para maximizar los beneficios aquí al mismo tiempo ampliar la base de usuarios con una opción menos costosa para otros mercados al mismo tiempo.

Payments also provides a platform for buying and selling directly to and from one another other by using the social graph to accelerate audience and revenue growth. That’s going to encourage the development of a host of new businesses designed specifically for social commerce.

Nuestra empresa, LittleCast launched at the same time Facebook was sunsetting Credits and transitioning to the Payments platform. It paves the way for the viral marketing and sales we count on to help video producers get better known. As soon as video is uploaded to LittleCast, we place an in-line media player directly into the producer’s Facebook Timeline. The video becomes visible in the producer’s friends’ and fans’ Newsfeeds, where they can watch a 30-second preview and immediately make a purchase—all without leaving Facebook. As users purchase, el contenido esté disponible para los demás los canales de noticias de los compradores.

Pagos ayuda a la audiencia golpeó "Comprar" sin pensar demasiado y sin tener que salir del sitio. La venta y la compra de contenido de vídeo es ahora rápido, sin costura, social y lo mejor de todo, Pagos representa una nueva oportunidad que no interrumpa la vieja manera la gente está acostumbrada a la realización de negocios.

Amra Tareen


Amra Tareen is the CEO of LittleCast. Previously she founded, was a partner at Sevin Rosen Funds, was a Director of Product Marketing at Ascend Communications, and was a part of the Global Leadership Development Program at Lucent. She has a BS in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from University of New South Wales in Australia and an MBA from Harvard.