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Social Media Marketing for Business



August 31, 2015

The Top 25 Social Marketing Tools

August 31, 2015 | By | 8 Comments">8 Comments


You and I both know social media marketing can be daunting!

We love it. Heck, we’ve worked with small business owners who do $100k in revenue up to agencies who do $5m+ in revenue on launching well over 500,000 Facebook campaigns since 2011. 

If you want to read the 5 must haves for a killer Facebook campaign, you can check that out here.

We always use the same tools to complement the Facebook contest itself. These are the top 25 tools that help you improve engagement, get more likes and followers, and help you increase your organic reach. These are the tools the experts use to excel on social media without spending a lot of time doing it.

Without further ado…

The Top 25 Social Marketing Tools

  • HOOTSUITE – Another tool to schedule social media posts and customizable data too.
  • TWEETDECK – Counting favorites, you can see how many favorites Twitter users have with this app. Tweetdeck also makes it easy to view all of your twitter feeds.
  • BUFFER – Schedule your Tweets and Facebook posts easily and efficiently.
  • SOCIALBRO – A nice real-time dashboard telling you which followers are tweeting at the given time along with some other nifty tools. It syncs up with Buffer too.
  • HEYO – Heyo helps business drag and drop together Facebook campaigns to double your list and engagement (without having to code).
  • POSTPLANNER – Discover amazing content to post, schedule it, and watch your engagement soar. Favorite of Forbes social media influencer, Kim Garst!
  • SPROUTSOCIAL –  Easily schedule, publish, and analyze your social media content. Many people say they have the best analytics platform out there.
  • SPRINKLR – This is for large enterprises who don’t want to miss any social mentions of their brand. Many say this is the new Buddy Media.
  • CROWDBOOSTER – Crowdbooster focuses on gathering data from your Facebook and Twitter feeds to tell you what content is working the best.
  • SOCIAL FLOW – Analyzes your social media posting times and helps you make sure you’re posting at the most optimal time.
  • EVERYPOST – An app that makes it easy to share across all of your social media platforms at one time. Great for travelers, or if you’re on the road at a conference (and free!)
  • AGORAPULSE –  Easily manage Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram all from one spot. This is a small business favorite!
  • EDGAR – Edgar is the only scheduling platform that allows you to easily re-use content. I use this one religiously.
  • SPREDFAST – Spredfast is an outstanding tool if you’re looking to measure data gathered from Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and Flickr, such as being able to see how many people you’ve reached and whether or not your target audience is engaging with you
  • TWEEPI – There’s a quick management tool which will allow to flush unfollowers, cleanup inactives, reciprocate by following, and follow new interesting tweets.
  • SOCIALOOMPH – SocialOomph has the ability to schedule tweets for the entire day and auto-follow your new followers, so you can something other than schedule tweets and follow people.
  • IFTTT – If this then that allows you to set up one action to follow another. For example, If I share a picture on Facebook, save it to dropbox too.
  • CYFE – Cyfe is a full-blown business analytics tool that connects all your online activities, not just social media.
  • SENDIBLE – Sendible can schedule future social network posts and bring all your social media interaction under one roof along with emails and SMS marketing integration (CRM).
  • SHOUTLET – On platform for the enterprise to discover, create, publish, and measure their social activity.
  • MONARCH – Only display share counts on your website/blog after they’ve reached a certain number.
  • SHAREAHOLIC – The sharing tool I use on my blog. Easy to set up, great customization options.
  • SOCIAL SHARE AND LOCKER – Acts as a content locker, this means you can offer bonuses and exclusive content in exchange for a tweet for example.
  • ULTIMATE SOCIAL DEUX – Great plugin and sleek design for social sharing buttons on your blog and website.
  • TWEETDIS – Embed tweetable links/quotes in your blog posts to drive social engagement.
  • ADVANCED SOCIAL WIDGET – You can integrate all of the main social networks along with your RSS feed and while giving your visitors the option to subscribe via email.

Your Turn

I want to hear from you: do you use any of the above tools? Or, did you learn about any new tools you hadn’t heard of yet? Tell me in the comments below!



Nathan Latka has supported the growth of over 100,000 small businesses using social media and data driven campaigns — all without a college degree.