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Social Media Marketing for Business

Shane Johnston


Aprile 11, 2013

Il 7 La maggior parte delle Tattiche importante lanciare un concorso Facebook di successo

Tutti risero alla nostra piccola azienda quando abbiamo lanciato un concorso Facebook finché non abbiamo aggiunto 900 Nuovi Ventilatori in Less Than 4 settimane e prenotato la nostra piccola struttura solida per 3 days straight …Now they’re all knocking on the door wanting to know how we did it!

Il numero uno cosa da capire è che è NON sulla tecnologia (Spiacente Heyo). Bene, c'è una componente molto importante della tecnologia troppo, ma ne riparleremo più avanti.

Un sacco di aziende tendono a concentrarsi 90% dei loro sforzi sulla tecnologia e solo spendere 10% del loro sforzo nella realizzazione dell'offerta e la pianificazione & executing key sequences in the launch strategy. Truth is, è necessario capovolgere che intorno e trascorrere la maggior parte dei vostri sforzi sulla formazione della offerta & strategia di lancio.

Così, in questo blog post che potrete conoscere la 7 must-have tattiche di lancio necessarie per ottenere risultati di successo per il lancio del vostro contest Facebook.

Sembra che ovunque si guardi su Facebook, qualcuno è in esecuzione un concorso o Giveaway di vincere un premio di recente.

La grande domanda su un sacco di menti di imprenditore è "Sono questi imbrogli pazzi abbastanza seri da prendere in considerazione una parte strategica del nostro marketing e intende produrre i risultati siamo dopo di portare realmente a più contatti e clienti?"

La risposta è - "dipende" ... da come lo lancio che è.

There are a ton of these facebook contests that are not achieving the desired results. It usually has to do with one of these factors;

  1. Offerta giusta (premio)
  2. Diritto pubblico (persone che vogliono / devono il premio per aiutarli a raggiungere i loro risultati desiderati)
  3. Promosso bene (lancio sequenziamento, generazione di traffico, contenuti utili, facile entrare)

Quando si avvia il Facebook contesta il modo in cui sto per spiegare, potrete essere certi grandi risultati proprio come questo;

facebook contests

Il 7 La maggior parte delle Tattiche importante lanciare un concorso Facebook di successo

#1 Pre-determine Main Goals of the Contest

Establish your specific desired results in advance. Set targets for what you want to achieve and select an appropriately targeted prize. Document where you are at right now. You can just take a few screen shots of your Insights data. Potential goals could include;

  • Costruire Fans & impegno
  • Costruire una mailing list
  • Costruire una lista di testo mobile per SMS marketing
  • Prendi i tuoi contenuti di fronte a un sacco di prospettive per aiutarli a raggiungere i loro obiettivi
  • Promuovere una nuova offerta, prodotto o evento - Deal settimanale, Programma VIP, lancio di nuovi prodotti, Vendite


#2 Partner with a good App Builder

Questo va un pò da sé, but ensure you partner with one of the fantastic Tab App Builder platforms. Remember it’s against Facebook TOS for Promotions to run a contest on your open wall. You will need to build a landing page inside of your tab apps. There are tons of App Builder platforms out there to choose from, but make it easy on yourself. Don’t get caught up in evaluating all the various platforms or you will never get to your launch. The biggest criteria here is to use one that is quick and easy to deploy because once you get hooked on launching these contests, you will want to do more of them and so you want to be able to launch them quickly. I have used at least a half dozen different platforms, ma ho sempre tornare a Heyo per il drag'n'drop facile da usare dashboard, fatto per voi i modelli, plus the ability to save your work as a template to be used over again. I also like the fact that you can enable a mobile app within seconds just by utilizing the tab app you already created in Facebook. Plus the team at Heyo is amazing with support and a constant supply of ideas on how best to use their technology for your business …in other words, they are a software company that doesn’t get caught up in their software features alone. It’s not about the Technology and Heyo lives that every day.

#3 Map out the Contest Funnel Flow Chart

Io chiamo questo il retro Dunkin Donuts di un progetto tovagliolo (o Tim Horton di se siete da Canada, or Starbucks if you like the latte’s but then you likely won’t be able to afford to promote your contest if you drink latte’s all day at Starbuck’s 😉 This should be a simple diagram outlining where you will find your prospects, il targeting, pagina di destinazione contest, and follow up email. You may actually have more than one of these funnels per contest. Launch your contest and then monitor it closely for the first few days. Record your conversions and track how well your funnels are converting. Tweak them to increase the conversions or throw them out entirely if they are not achieving the desired results you outlined in step #1 sopra.

facebook contests

#4 Launch Phases

[Non sottovalutare questa tattica apparentemente semplicistica - questo è probabilmente il più importante di tutte le tattiche descritte qui] There are three phases which you need to utilize to get the full momentum for your facebook contests;

  • Pre-lancio Fase di attrazione (Traffico)
  • Pre-lancio sapere, come & fase fiducia (Ronzio)
  • Varo & adottare fase di azione (Varo)

facebook contests

I like to refer to the first phase as foreplay. You build up the excitement and anticipation so much they can’t stand it anymore. You can and should advertise during this phase, ma fondamentalmente durante questa fase, you are just going to attract your ideal target audience by being cool to them and sharing great content that helps them get closer to their desired goals. Once you start getting some engagement with your Fans and content, si può anche chiedere loro di fare un rapido sondaggio dove si può alludere a qualcosa di eccitante in arrivo e si desidera loro di rispondere a un paio di domande veloci in modo da poter essere sicuri di dare loro esattamente ciò di cui hanno bisogno durante la prossima grande cosa eccitante stanno progettando di fare per loro.

Nella seconda fase, si può far loro sapere che sarà dicendo a tutti un domani segreto che solo loro sapranno su (farli sentire speciali, importante ed esclusiva). Then you tell your Fans about the Contest that is coming up real soon but not launched yet. Have them guess what the prizes might be. I love to put up a quick landing page with an email opt-in at this time (ricordare, si possono fare queste pagine di destinazione molto veloce, ora che avete Heyo), called “The Early Bird Notification”. Fondamentalmente, you just let them know that you will be opening the Contest early just for your Fans but they need to sign up for it. You can even give them a little token prize as appreciation for signing up to the Early-Bird List. Now your Fans will self-define themselves for you as to who would be your early takers. Poi 24 ore prima di lanciare il concorso, you can email them to go enter. This way you build a big momentum right out of the gate. Often times with these type of promo’s nobody wants to be first and if you launch your contest prematurely, you might have a quiet landing page that nobody’s entering. It’s a psychological thing, we all like excitement but we want to know that other people think it’s good too before we take the leap …”herd mentality” I suppose. Feel free to use various social triggers here too like scarcity, segretezza, mistero, exclusivity. People can’t resist …they want to be seen by their peers as the first ones to discover something amazing, vogliono sentirsi speciali, & vogliono gli altri a vedere come esperto.

Ora, in the last phase you will go ahead with your public launch of the Contest. Make sure to use multiple modality & media to send as many people to your Contest landing page as possible. Big momentum is still important here …you don’t want to lose the great buzz you’ve got going from your first two phases. I like to refer to this phase as the “Brushfire marketing” approach. If you get your message out to several different places at the same time as you have all your early-birder’s entering the contest, you will build a giant fire… a tidal wave of momentum on your first day of a launch. It just makes the rest of your contest go smooth when you know you’ve already hit your numbers on opening day right!

#5 Promuoverlo & Advertise it

Questo va con la fase di lancio, but it’s important to emphasis this tactic. If you have done your homework in the first couple of launch tactics, then you should have a decent amount of buzz happening organically and the conversions to contest entries will be going well. Now is the time to amp up the volume. When you pay to promote your Facebook Contest, you will send it through the stratosphere. When you have all this buzz and engagement level happening on your Page, now is the time to generate some new fresh prospects into Fans. The ads I find most effective for this tactic are Page Post Ads …try it, ti piacerà.

#6 Rendere reale –

Try to record a few videos of what’s happening at your business at various points throughout the contest launch. People have a natural curiosity to know what’s the inside scoop through the eyes of other people …we are just inherently nosy I guess …why do you think Reality TV Shows work so well. So let them see what’s going on behind the scenes. This will pump up the know-like-trust factor too. Definitely record a video of you doing the Contest drawing. The worst thing about all these contests is that a lot of businesses don’t award a prize or worse yet, give the prize to an insider. People want to know that your contest is real and that you are honest so show em. I guarantee you; the next time you run a contest will be even bigger. Sometimes people don’t participate but they watch from the sidelines the first time because they don’t want to join in and look stupid the first time …if they watched it the first time, they’ll be back to enter the next time. Here’s the real kicker. After announcing the prize winners, make sure you do a posting about it with the video and run a paid promotion on it to make sure everyone sees it. Then bring the winners in to receive their winnings and do a video and photo op …make an event out of it and make them feel special. Then post that and pay to promote it so everyone sees it. Your cool factor just went through the roof.

facebook contests

#7 Post-Contest Offerta per aiutare monetizzare - Ora che tutto sta ronzando sulla pagina di Facebook e basta ha dato loro una tonnellata intera di grandi cose per aiutarli, it’s ok if you would like to give them an offer. A really fantastic way to do this is to use the new Facebook ads feature to upload the email list you just built for the Contest into your Facebook ads dashboard and advertise the promo offer just to them. Make sure to customize the headline with something like “Entered XYZ Contest? You might also like this…” They will think you are talking directly to them (perché sei) only it’s through a promoted Facebook ad. You can also email your list and place a post (immagini & lavoro video migliore) on your Facebook wall. The other type of paid promotion that works like gang busters here, is to do a Facebook Offer. Just make sure to check off that you will promote it later so you can set it up to run continuously with proper targeting. You can announce the winners and ask everyone to congratulate them. Ma hey, you also have this fantastic special surprise for everyone else too. Your offer can be a consolation prize where they get a discount on a new product you have or give them some extra special bonus if they buy before a certain date. Just make sure this offer is a special one just for your facebook contest participants to show them the love. So now they feel extra super special & Non deluso perché non ha vinto il concorso di facebook ... tutti sono un vincitore!

facebook contests

PS: That tiny little business that was mentioned in the title headline at the beginning of this post was a real business. It was a brand new restaurant in a crappy little plaza with hardly any pass-through traffic to speak of. They ran a little contest with a free appetizer and entre for 4 settimane. Then at the end of the 4 settimane, they promoted a special Valentines dinner offer to those Fans. Needless, per dire che inceppato il posto per 3 salotto separata è quella notte e ho dovuto aggiungere 2 more days to the offer to accommodate the demand. They built up over 900 Fans sulla loro pagina di Facebook, più una mailing list di oltre 400 e ora ogni volta che vogliono promuovere una nuova offerta, che basta cliccare e inviare e il posto è affollato ogni volta.



About the Author >>
Shane is a Coach, Speaker & Online Product Launch Expert who is the founder of Raw & Real Marketing Group. He has been featured in CIO Magazine and is currently working on a new project with Mashable for an online Reality Show type Blog series entitled “Social Media Marketing Eye for the Small Business Guy in which they select a Business Owner who needs a marketing makeover and then check back on the results after 6 settimane. Shane’s specialty is using Facebook Contests to build up buzz for a product launch. You will find him most often, passionately helping his Fans & Clients on Facebook at