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Social Media Marketing for Business

Evan LePage

六月 10, 2013

社会化媒体冬天来了 - 王座信息图游戏

六月 10, 2013 | 由 | 5 评论">5 评论

通过权力的游戏灵感, 下面的信息图表打破了一些显著“社交媒体封锁”我们已经从最大的住宅领域中的可见.



Social Media Winter is Coming- Game of Thrones

近几个月来, some of the biggest houses in the social media realm 已经悄然对接头 and blocked access between one another. Unfortunately these walls aren’t built to protect the citizens. 虽然战争肆虐幕后, 这些路径的用户都开始找到自己喜欢的网络少了很多访问, 而少了很多社会.


Evan LePage


作者简介 >> Evan is a Social Content Writer for HootSuite. He writes features, news items, releases and all things HootSuite.

原来的信息图 >> Social Media Winter is Coming – An Infographic