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David A. George


Januari 21, 2013

Hoe: 17 Manieren om doeltreffend Grow Your E-mail Marketing Lijst Right Now

Januari 21, 2013 | Door | 6 Reacties"& Gt;6 Reacties

De geruchten worden rinkelen. Ze zeggen – E-mail marketing is dood. Social Media is koning.

Maar ik zeg, WACHTEN! Niet zo snel. Beschouw de volgende statistieken:

  • Dagelijks Twitter updates: 174 Miljoen (op een drukke dag)
  • Dagelijks Facebook berichten: 1 Miljard
  • Dagelijkse e-mailberichten: 188 Miljard

Dat klopt, mensen – 188 Miljard e-mails uit te gaan elke dag. Dat is meer dan Facebook en Twitter gecombineerd!

Als u nog niet begonnen met het ontwikkelen van uw e-mail marketing lijst, het is niet te laat. En voor degenen onder u die al zijn begonnen, Lees verder om te leren 17 manieren waarop u kunt uw e-mail marketing lijst groeien nu…

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Januari 13, 2013

Hoe het opzetten van een Fan Page in 5 Easy Steps

Januari 13, 2013 | Door | 21 Reacties"& Gt;21 Reacties

You keep hearing people talk about how they are using their facebook fan pages to grow their businesses.

You and I rarely have free time, but today, you’ve found some and have decided to get your fan page set up.

So you land here and are wondering if you should keep reading.

You just asked yourself: “Is this a quick, makkelijk, guide that actually helps me get an effective fan page or is this just another article that’ll ill spend 10 minutes reading and still be lost at the end?”

This is the quickest, easiest way to set up a Facebook fan pagina that generates likes, e-mail leads, en verkoop.

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David George


Januari 11, 2013

The Ultimate 3-App Solution to Facebook Marketing w/ Infographic!

A lot of people have been asking, What are the best kinds of apps to create for my Facebook Fan Page?

Answer: Grote vraag! There’s 3 apps that you should definitely think about applying to your Fan Page. They’ll do 3 things:

1. Provide your customers with information
2. Allow you to increase your revenue, en
3. Gather information/help build your email marketing list.

En, pretty much every time, the next statement is Goed, WHAT ARE THEY?

1. Make a Welcome tab

Now I know what you’re thinkingIsn’t there an ‘Aboutsection on Facebook already?

You’re exactly right, and you should include your contact information, store hours, and other pertinent info in that part.

MAAR, this app is where you get to show off your businessexpertise. Whether you’re a retailer, restaurant, fotograaf, auteur – het maakt niet uit wat je doet – use this tab to show beautiful pictures of your dining room or studio. Give snippets from your upcoming book, or clothing line.

Use this section as almost a teaser to the viewer, displaying the best work you have done. You can even include a Fan Gate here to help boost your social reach!

But don’t be unfairoffer the viewer something in exchange for their Like.

2. Build an Online Store tab

It’s time to start bringing in the big bucks, baby!

Met meer dan 1 Billion users on Facebook, the social network is the perfect place to have a storefront.

Use a Facebook tab/app to display your current product line, new artwork, let people listen to your music, they can even view your realty listings.

Keep the page clean and simple, you don’t want to distract your viewers from the main attraction. Ook, make sure you include a BUY button in a prominent placebecause after all, that is the bottom line, is het niet?

3. Create an Email Capture/Contest form

If you haven’t started growing your email marketing listDO IT NOW!

Email marketing is, by far, the most effective way to retain a running list of your customers and begin a relationship with their inbox.

And who doesn’t love winning? Some of the most successful social media campaigns belong to contests. Contests give you the ability to trade the viewers email address in exchange for a chance to win some awesome stuff!

Of, you can do things like offering a free download or e-book if someone signs up for your newsletter, blog, subscription list, etc.

Something to rememberdon’t forget to add social sharing buttons to help entrants share this awesome opportunity with their own social networks.

Download the Ultimate 3-App Solution guide here

Facebook marketing 3-app solution

David George


Januari 3, 2013

Top Mobile Marketing Trends to Watch in 2013

Januari 3, 2013 | Door | 7 Reacties"& Gt;7 Reacties

Think about your mobile phone for a second… where is it right now?

If I was a betting man, I’d wager that just a quick glance from your computer screen or a swift reach for your pocket is all it takes to locate it.

MAAR, that wasn’t just a lucky guess. Mobile phones have become such an integral part of our daily lives. Current reports are showing that 91% of mobile users keep their phone within 3 feet of themselves at all timesthat’s 24-7-365 baby!

And since mobile internet usage is projected to overtake desktop internet usage by 2014 (bron: Microsoft Tag) er zijn 4 very important mobile marketing trends you need to know about to optimize your business for mobile search

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David George


November 27, 2012

How To Customize Your Mobile App URL

November 27, 2012 | Door | 4 Reacties"& Gt;4 Reacties

Hey everyone, great news! For all you folks who are leaving your competition in the dust with your Heyo Mobile App, things just got a little bit sweeter.

Nu, you can specify a custom domain name for your Mobile App built with Heyo!

If branding is important to you, you can’t miss this.

Read more to see exactly how to set up your custom Mobile App URL right now

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Jim Risner


November 26, 2012

Inkomsten van een Facebook-pagina in 7 Gemakkelijke Manieren

November 26, 2012 | Door | 16 Reacties"& Gt;16 Reacties

Kleine bedrijven, start-ups en franchises zijn allemaal monetariseren Facebook-pagina's, maar je kunt niet achterhalen hoe het zelf te doen.

Verbinding maken met uw klanten is groot, maar laten we reëel, de onderste regel met al uw marketing inspanningen is … goed, de onderste regel.

Facebook zelf kan niet eens uitzoeken hoe je een Facebook-pagina te gelde buiten reclame, maar gelukkig voor jou, Facebook-pagina's krijgen een unieke kans om het te doen voor zichzelf.

Lees verder en leer de top 7 manieren om dat te doen…

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Jim Risner


November 16, 2012

Hoe: 3 Manieren uw bedrijf kan verhogen Mobile App Verkeer

November 16, 2012 | Door | 6 Reacties"& Gt;6 Reacties

Met meer dan 1/3 van Facebook de hele sociale netwerk inloggen op Facebook Mobiele elke dag, elk bedrijf dat is niet mobile marketing moet zijn.

En bedrijven die op Mobile nu zijn vragen, Wat kan ik doen om mobiele app verkeer te verhogen?

Als je ooit zelf gevonden deze vraag, lees verder om te zien hoe je het kunt doen, with a little thing called the URL Economy

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