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Social Media Marketing for Business



Marzec 15, 2013

Save Time with Facebook Keyboard Shortcuts

Marzec 15, 2013 | Przez | 7 Komentarze"& Gt;7 Komentarze

Want to save a bit of time? Facebook contains integrated keyboard shortcuts that make it easier for users to navigate through its platform.We’ve given you some tips on how to use them to your advantage.
These Facebook keyboard shortcuts are designed to efficiently open links to Messages, Profile Pages, Friend Requests, i wiele więcej.
Teraz, you can speed up how quickly you update your Timeline, or respond to a friend.However, these keyboard shortcuts are not so widely known to Facebook users. Take a look at our infographic and become a Facebook master.
Uwaga: If your computer does not contain a numerical keyboard (without numbers as the primary characters) and/or you don’t have English set as your primary language, you will have to press ‘Shift’ with each of the keyboard shortcuts containing numbers. Również, the process of using these Facebook keyboard shortcuts is a bit different when using Internet Explorer. Each time you type the required shortcut, release the keys and then press ‘Enter.’ Be sure to check back with Socialbakers for more tips and tricks to help you while you’re surfing Facebook. Between us, our next infographic may have something to do with emoticons.

facebook keyboard shortcuts
Do you have a friend that would benefit from knowing these Facebook keyboard shortcuts?

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