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Social Media Marketing for Business

David A. George


Февраль 28, 2013

Как Heyo нового приложение для мобильных телефонов Создатель Изменения мобильный ландшафт для хорошего

This is BIG news!

The Heyo wizards have released some incredible updates to our mobile app creator that will have you giddy with excitement.

From themes and widgets, to bookmark and color tools, we’ve heard your feedback and have turned it into something truly amazing.

Introducing mobile app themes

how heyo's new mobile app creator changes the mobile landscape for good

You all asked for more menu options, and we heard you!

Now you can choose between three different types of menus:

  • 6-ring menu
  • Classic mobile view
  • Facebook-style popout menu

To try these menus for yourself, just click on the Themes button in the upper right of the editor.

The Background Designer makes your life so much easier

mobile app background designer; heyo changes mobile marketing

If you’re anything like me, every attempt at art and design looks more like a Picasso piece rather than a Rembrandt re-creation.

If you’re in the same boat, this tool is going to be your best friend. Черт, this thing is freakin cool even if you’re a seasoned design guru. Зацени…

Click on the Themes button in the upper right of your screen, then on the left, select Background Designer.

In the box under Background Color, select which color you would like to use as the main background color.

Now this is where it gets coolon the right, you’ll see a selection of background designs and textures. Click on any one of these and watch as your background adjusts to reflect the selected design, all while maintaining your color scheme. How sweet is that?

Is that a custom Bookmark option I see?

Many folks have been asking us what are some good ways of providing easy access to their mobile apps.

Problem solved.

The Bookmark tool allows you to create a custom icon that appears on the homescreen of users who bookmark the mobile app.

mobile app bookmark to homescreen; heyo changes mobile marketing


mobile app bookmark image; heyo changes mobile marketing

One of the best things about this tool is you don’t even need to ask customers to save your mobile appthe app does that on its own!

mobile app bookmark prompt; heyo changes mobile marketing

Don’t want all the widgets? Без проблем!

We’ve heard a lot of feedback from users saying that they would like the ability to toggle widgets on and off.

We got you covered.

Simply click on the Widgets button in the toolbar, and choose which widgets you want and which ones you don’t.

Just click theEnable Pluginbutton to turn a widget on, и “Disablebutton to turn the mobile app widget off.

The widgets that you’ve turned off will appear grayed-out on the editor screen, and when you publish your app, the widget won’t show at all!

mobile app widget toggle; heyo changes mobile marketing

Custom Mobile Images that you can move

Let freedom ring!

We’ve heard from some of you all that you don’t want your profile picture to be stuck only on the left side of your mobile app. Well we agree.

Сейчас, you have the ability to move it between left, center, and right-hand alignments.

Others have said they want to be able to fully customize their profile picture and cover image on their mobile apps. Great minds must think alike, because we think that’s pretty important to.

You now have full control to upload whatever images you like, regardless of what profile and cover images are on your Facebook page. Just click on the gear icons to customize them.

mobile app image settings; heyo changes mobile marketing

mobile app image tool; heyo changes mobile marketing









Что вы думаете?

We’ve worked hard over the past couple months to make your suggestions a reality, so we’re very interested in your individual feedback!

Поделитесь с нами в комментариях ниже, Да или нет – do you like the new changes?

And feel free to check out the Mobile App Creator for yourselfclick here to try our free demo!



Дэвид. Джордж Я UX + Маркетолог Рост страстный о людях, музыка, умный UX, Android, и дыхание под водой. Я хотел бы связаться с вами по LinkedIn, Щебет, и мой сайт.