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Social Media Marketing for Business

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April 19, 2013

Waarom Heyo mening dat Self-Serve is de toekomst van Social Marketing

April 19, 2013 | Door | 2 Reacties"& Gt;2 Reacties

Velen van jullie hebben waarschijnlijk gehoord dat Wildvuur is het stopzetten van hun zelfbediening sociale marketing suite, kiezen om stroomopwaarts naar de onderneming markt in beweging.

We zijn ervan overtuigd dat deze strategie is niet ideaal als je focus ligt op empowerment van alle gebruikers, ongeacht de grootte van hun portemonnee. Onze focus ligt op het nivelleren van het speelveld voor kleine bedrijven , een one-man marketingbureau, of een solo-proneur proberen om hun passies markt vanuit hun huis kelder. Klik “lees meer” om te zien hoe we dit doen.

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David A. George


Februari 28, 2013

How Heyo’s New Mobile App Creator Changes the Mobile Landscape for Good

Februari 28, 2013 | Door | 7 Reacties"& Gt;7 Reacties

This is BIG news!

The Heyo wizards have released some incredible updates to our mobile app creator that will have you giddy with excitement.

From themes and widgets, to bookmark and color tools, we’ve heard your feedback and have turned it into something truly amazing.

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Corey Donohue


Februari 6, 2013

[INFOGRAPHIC] Introducing our Small Business Mobile Marketing Guide

Februari 6, 2013 | Door | 7 Reacties"& Gt;7 Reacties

Did you know that half of all US online searches happens on a mobile device?

It’s crucial to understand where small business mobile marketing is headed if you want your business to still be here in 2014.

We want to help you stay ahead of the mobile marketing trends, so we’ve created an infographic to help you visualize the info.

Check out this beautiful infographic on small business mobile marketing and why you need to have a mobile marketing strategy

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David A. George


Januari 29, 2013

[INFOGRAPHIC] Top 14 Mobile Experts: Predictions on the Future of Mobile Marketing

Januari 29, 2013 | Door | 6 Reacties"& Gt;6 Reacties

Going into 2013, we’ve asked the biggest Mobile Marketing experts around, what their predictions for the future of Mobile Marketing are.

We’ve compiled predictions from successful business owners and industry thought leaders right here for your viewing pleasure and marketing knowledge.

From digital coupons and geo-location, to responsive design and mobile wallets, read more to see which trends and strategies will be lighting the mobile marketing pathways in 2013, all in big, bold infographic form

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David A. George


Januari 28, 2013

[Infographic] Enquête: Waar is uw Small Business kopte 2013?

Januari 28, 2013 | Door | One Comment"& Gt;One Comment

They say bad news sells.

This may be true, and we may have had a big dose of it recently, but here’s something a little different that you’ll like to hear for your small business in 2013.

Barry Moltz is a leading author, spreker, and influencer in the small business industry. He’s incredibly smart, and has worlds of wisdom for getting stuck business owners unstuck and marching forward (if you’re not following him, you’re out of the loop).

Every year, he sends out an annual small business survey to his clients (incl. Capital One, OfficeMax, Wells Fargo, MIT, and Harvard, to name a few) to test the waters on what they think 2013 will hold.

So here are the results, in bold and beautiful infographic form

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Januari 13, 2013

Hoe het opzetten van een Fan Page in 5 Easy Steps

Januari 13, 2013 | Door | 21 Reacties"& Gt;21 Reacties

You keep hearing people talk about how they are using their facebook fan pages to grow their businesses.

You and I rarely have free time, but today, you’ve found some and have decided to get your fan page set up.

So you land here and are wondering if you should keep reading.

You just asked yourself: “Is this a quick, makkelijk, guide that actually helps me get an effective fan page or is this just another article that’ll ill spend 10 minutes reading and still be lost at the end?”

This is the quickest, easiest way to set up a Facebook fan pagina that generates likes, e-mail leads, en verkoop.

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David George


November 27, 2012

How To Customize Your Mobile App URL

November 27, 2012 | Door | 4 Reacties"& Gt;4 Reacties

Hey everyone, great news! For all you folks who are leaving your competition in the dust with your Heyo Mobile App, things just got a little bit sweeter.

Nu, you can specify a custom domain name for your Mobile App built with Heyo!

If branding is important to you, you can’t miss this.

Read more to see exactly how to set up your custom Mobile App URL right now

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