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Social Media Marketing for Business

Don Bulmer

四月 8, 2013

品牌和声誉管理: 四洞察

我最近问了一个挑衅性的问题: “有什么经验或见解塑造你的品牌和声誉管理的意见在当今的商业环境?”

This is a great question and the more I thought about it, 更清晰的答案(s) 成为.

1. The first insight reflects the 影响角色的转变.

有一个伟大的报价由加里·哈默尔, who says “Influence is like water. Always flowing somewhere.” This is very true in today’s business enviornment as new sources of influence are forming around our companies and industries at an extremely rapid pace.

I have talked with many marketing and communication leaders over the last two years who are rethinking the design of their programs and organizational structures to understand the changes they need to make to be more effective in an evolving business (影响) environment. The need to become more relevant and relatable to customers are driving much of the change.

The reality is that traditional marketing and communication platforms and one-to-one relationship models that many of us have built our careers on have been disrupted. Trust in mainstream media and NGOs (声誉管理) 和传统广告, digital marketing and mass communication tactics have been challenged by how people want to engage with companies. Most companies today are not approachable and lack a personality or an image that people can relate to.

It’s extremely important to understand how customer expectations and influence has changed in our industries and adapt our structures, programs and mindset to allow for balance both in how we influence how we are influenced.

2. The second insight extends from 社会化媒体的文化影响.

尽可能多的时间,我们花谈论我们之间的有关技术营销和通信专业人士, 工具, 流程和社交媒体的治理, 在一天结束的时候,我们面临的问题是,我们如何适应新的文化势在必行. 这就是社交媒体真正关心 – 文化和心态.

这样做的意义是高成功需要谦卑, 真实性和勇气,是开放的反对意见和话语,努力取得进展.

3. The third insight is associated with 品牌授权.


Tom Foremski has been a champion of this idea for several years. Tom is a former journalist with the FT and maintains a blog called Silicon Valley Watcher.

The notion of every company is a media company does not suggest that companies are the next CNN or FTs. 它确实表明的是,公司现在有能力,在许多方面强制责任直接与它的主要受众沟通 - 提供更大的覆盖范围和比传统媒体更大的影响力曾经提出在过去一个主通道.

Companies no longer have to be intermediated by traditional media or other organizations as technology has opened up direct channels to reach and engage audiences (到个人层面) 以有意义的方式.

4. The fourth insight is 体验的力量.

Joseph Pine III and James Gilmore have famously opined that we now live in an 体验经济. I fully buy into this.

经验也许是影响任何个人或社会采取行动的一个最重要的和可信的因素. This is very hard to buy. One’s experience (是好是坏) 是真实,可信的极.

在这方面, 社交媒体提供了有关的人是怎么想的深刻见解, 感觉和充当其与公司的经验结果, 产品或服务的. This represents the trifecta of insight that we all strive for. 要了解我们的客户真正想, 感受和行为是无价的.

在今天的enviornment, 当有危机, oftentimes it is “the gap” between the Brand that a company has built and stands for the actions in its Business,人们反应和攻击. 我称之为的战斗“B“S.

如果没有完全对齐, Brand sits on one end and Business on the other. In the middle is the credibility or experience gap. The credibility or experience gap is one of the biggest liabilities for companies in this new media and business environment and is why all programs must be strongly linked to managing experience.


从了解影响角色的转变; 为适应新的文化势在必行参与社交媒体的结果; 要适应我们的角色作为一家媒体公司; 与力量的经历充分尊重.

我的问题给你: “有什么经验或见解塑造你的品牌和声誉管理的意见在当今的商业环境?”



About the Author >> Don is a frequent speaker at industry events and blogs on leadership, influencer marketing, social media and communications at Everyday Influence. 

In 2009, 2010 和 2011 co-authored seminal research titled The New Symbiosis of Professional Networks and The Social Mind that explores how social media is changing business and how professionals use social media to make decisions.

原条>> 品牌和声誉管理: 四洞察