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Social Media Marketing for Business

Amy Winer, Autor w Heyo Blog

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Amy Winer


Czerwiec 21, 2017

Using Keywords to Define User Intent Online

Czerwiec 21, 2017 | Przez | Jeden komentarz"& Gt;Jeden komentarz

Keywords are the basic foundation of any SEO strategy, and they are typically used as topical concepts to cover throughout your content. All too often, they’re simply used as guideposts that can help you outline your content’s topics of discussion.

To use keywords in such a way, is to waste their true potential. Zamiast, content creators and SEO professionals should be looking at the intent za the keyword. What was the searcher’s purpose when they entered that phrase or topic into Google? Join us as we discuss finding intent and applying it to your strategies.

Understanding User Intent

Every single person that uses a search engine has some kind of intent behind their inquiry. They don’t just type in something because they feel like it. They have a reason behind their search. Google seeks to understand this intent and provide results in the SERPs that meet the needs of that search.

MOZ founder Rand Fishkin once described the main categories of search intent as such:

  • NavigationalThe searcher is looking for a specific website, but they don’t know the URL, or they’d rather do it this way.
  • InformationalThese are searches that result when people are looking for information or answers about a specific topic. A search like top 10 hosts, Przykładowo, would be informational in nature.
  • TransactionalThis is when someone is ready to purchase a product, find a local company, sign up for a subscription, itp. They have a specific product or type of product in mind, and they’re ready to buy.

Wiedząc o tym, you can use your analytics, your keyword research, and various queries around your brand or industry to better understand which type of intent your keywords have behind them.

Applying User Intent to your Keyword Strategy

Doing your own research into specific keywords or intent begins with understanding the meaning behind the concepts your customers are searching for. You should also target long-tail keyword variations, which reveal intent far more than a single word or concept.

Przykładowo, if I were to search for “roaches,” then most of the searches will incorporate something about extermination. From this, you could infer than people searching for “roaches” are most likely looking for a solution on how to get rid of them.

It’s also worth noting that searchers tend to go through these categories, one-by-one, when they are on the journey towards making a purchase. Knowing their intent can also give you an idea of where they stand in your sales funnel.

You can use this as an opportunity to modify your calls to action (CTA),, and cater your pitch to the intent of the users on that page. This also extends to the language you use on your pages. Pamiętać, you’ll get further by honing in on intent than you will by trying to just broadly target keywords.

Understanding your user’s search intent will give you power over your content in a way that simple metrics like search volume never could for your keywords. It will also apply to other aspects of your business, like social media. Remember to look for detailed and long phrases (long-tail keywords) as these will offer more insight into where the customer stands in their buyer journey.

Final Thoughts

User intent is the true power of keywords in today’s SEO world. You should look beyond things like search volume and instead seek to understand the meaning behind what your users are searching. This will give you the knowledge you need to create targeted content that fits their needs.

Amy Winer


Marzec 29, 2017

5 Main Types of Blog Traffic (And How to Improve Them)

Marzec 29, 2017 | Przez | 2 Komentarze"& Gt;2 Komentarze

Unlike when you’re driving, traffic is something you chcieć when you’re starting a blog. Traffic measures the number of people who are visiting your site and where they are coming from. Today’s connected world allows people to access your site from a wide variety of avenues. They won’t always type it directly into the search bar. Sometimes they’ll come from social media or from Google, or from another site entirely.

5 Main Types of Blog Traffic (And How to Improve Them)

If your blog is a beating heart, then traffic is the blood that flows through its veins. This is how you bring people into your brand, convert them into paying customers, and engage with them as well. Traffic is everything, but not all traffic is created equal.

Let’s take a look at the five main types of traffic you can expect to get to your site, and how you can improve upon and harness them.

1. Direct Traffic

This first type of traffic is about as simple as it gets. This is the type of traffic that occurs when someone types your URL into their web browser and comes directly to your site. You won’t have a lot of this at the beginning, but if you promote your blog everywhere, you’ll soon find that people come directly to you.

This type of traffic can be improved upon with the right promotions and brand building. It comes with time as people get to know your brand and it appears at the top of their mind when they are searching for similar products or services. Najprawdopodobniej, these will be visitors who have been to your site before and who had a great experience.

2. Organic Search

Organic search is the currency of search engine optimization (TO). This is the traffic you watch to see how your optimization efforts are going and measure progress against. Improving your organic search is something you can easily do with the proper strategies in place.

Here are some of my top strategies for improving your SEO (and your organic search traffic) quickly:

  • Install Yoast SEO if you’re using WordPress (to nic nie kosztuje!)
  • Use tools like io to find and target long-tail keywords (ponad 2 words in the phrase).
  • Approach your content with the goal of providing in-depth information and value. Write for people, not search engines.
  • Look to your competition for topic ideas and focus on things your audience is talking about.
  • Build backlinks from other sites by guest posting and partnering with influencers

These are just some of the ways you can increase your organic traffic. Google has literally hundreds of factors they take into account when ranking websites, so every little bit counts.

3. Media społecznościowe

Our next type of traffic comes from social media platforms like Facebook, Świergot, i Instagram. People may have clicked an ad, or they could have followed one of your posts to your site. Tak i tak, if you’re seeing this then you’re doing something right with your social media marketing.

Improving this type of traffic comes from exercising control. Don’t try to be everywhere all the time on social media platforms. Choose the ones that your audience is most active on and focus your efforts there.

Another way to improve this traffic is to boost or promote posts that tend to perform well. Facebook, Przykładowo, offers this at a starting price of just $5.

4. Referral Traffic

Referral traffic is what happens when someone clicks a link on another website that leads to your own. Known as backlinks, these are a huge SEO strategy and a clear sign to Google that people see you as an authority.

Referral traffic is improved upon by earning new backlinks for your site. The best way to do this, beyond creating great content, is to write guest posts on other sites. Many other blogs in your niche most likely accept guest posts and will offer you a link back to your site within it.

This will help you build avenues back to your site, which will in turn generate referral traffic.

5. Paid Traffic

W końcu, there’s always the option to make an investment. Whether this is in the form of ads on social media or a PPC (pay-per-click) kampania, there are ways to leverage capital in the interest of bring people to your site.

A great example would be to run a sweepstakes or contest on your site. This would generate huge amounts of buzz around your brand and give you the opportunity to welcome countless new people to your online community.

Improving this type of traffic is done through research and targeted campaigns that utilize data about your audience to make the best decisions and reach the right people.

Final Thoughts

Traffic is incredibly important, but it’s arguably more important that you understand and leverage the various types of traffic that come into your site. This will help you target the right kinds of people and ultimately get more from each visitor.

How do you prioritize and improve your traffic? Let us know in the comments!

This article was originally written by Amy Winer for the Votigo blog.