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Social Media Marketing for Business


五月 30, 2014

如何古董公司与 1700 喜欢捕捉 257 电子邮件使用Facebook的比赛

五月 30, 2014 | 由 | 一个评论">一个评论

商标古董 是,是在经济灾难的中间展开了家族企业 2008 通过充满激情的创业者.

总部设在刘易斯堡, PA, 该公司致力于为客户提供最优质的古董和复古首饰客户. 他们花了显著的时间策划的维多利亚和新艺术运动时期的珠宝, 随着从后期包括格鲁吉亚工作, 爱德华七世, 艺术和手工艺品, 和Art Deco时代. 他们很少有时间做很多其他.

Each item sold by our store has been carefully selected by our owners for its uniqueness, exceptional workmanship, or storied past. One of the things we love most about antique and vintage jewelry is that it connects us with our past and invites conversation about a different time and place.

More conversation about the work these entrepreneurs put their blood, sweat, and tears into is exactly what was needed.

Antique Company Facebook Contest 1

Jessica is the head of 社会 at Trademark Antiques and with 1,700 球迷, she was hoping to capture 50-100 emails to drive increased conversation about each unique antique in hopes that it would ultimately lead to a purchase.

She knew she wanted to launch a Facebook的较量 but had very little time, didn’t know how to code, and wasn’t sure what would convert and what wouldn’t.

That’s when Jessica turned to the Heyo抽奖模板.

以上 7 天, 活动吸引了 557 意见及 257 new email leads for Trademark Antiques, 一 53% 转换率. In addition to capturing 257 new emails, Jessica added 600 additional likes to the page as well.

“Our Heyo campaign exceeded our expectations. We gained nearly 600 new Facebook fans in the first week, which translated into many new visitors to our on-line store. We are very excited about the results of our campaign and we’re already planning our next Heyo promotion.” -杰西卡

The success of the Heyo Sweepstakes Template was not a mistake or accident. Keep reading to learn why Jessica had so much success and how you can achieve similar results.

6 事实每一个比赛需要捕获成千上万的电子邮件

1. 强大的动力: 放弃的东西,直接与你的潜在客户和追随者有兴趣的排列. In Jessica’s Facebook Contest, the incentive was an antique ring.

2. 品牌识别: By dragging and dropping the Trademark Antique logo into the Heyo Sweepstakes Template, Jessica made sure Trademark Antique’s brand was highly visible. 这个品牌是至关重要的快速构建与潜在进入者的较量信任.

3. 倒计时部件紧迫性: 在任何时间点上的Facebook用户可以通过一个新的通知或其他社交分心走神. Jessica was smart to include a countdown in her Facebook Contest to drive the user to take immediate action. 这是为了获得一个关键 50%+ 转换率.

临提示: 只有运行的Facebook大赛 7 天或更少 (7 在倒计时天或更少). 如果球迷们看到“45天”的左, they’ll leave the contest and may never come back.

Antique Company Facebook Contest 2

4. 易于遵循选择在形式上: Most folks screw this up. 确保你的电子邮件的形式是非常明显的,容易进入是关键. Using Heyo’s Facebook Sweepstakes Template, 你可以在形式连接起来,选择与ConstantContact, Mailchimp, Aweber, 或其他电子邮件营销平台轻松管理Facebook的比赛选择插件.

临提示: 把它们放在一个点滴活动,创建了深刻, 长期持久的关系!

5. 清除Facebook的参赛步骤: Jessica made it crystal clear how to enter the Facebook Contest. 使用Heyo文本组件, she told people that in order to enter they needed to follow steps 1-4 在Facebook上比赛的左侧. Make sure you make it simple and clear what people need to do to enter your contest, 否则, they won’t.

6. 智能URL: Heyo automatically created a Smart URL for Jessica so that when Trademark Antique fans saw her update about the Facebook Contest in their Facebook mobile app, 他们可以很容易点击进入. 你可能错过了至少一半的总潜力转换,如果你不使用Heyo,以确保您的Facebook比赛也可以用在移动设备.

Antique Company Facebook Contest 3

奖金提示: 问粉丝“喜欢,“”份额,“和”鸣叫“使用Heyo的抽奖活动模板, 你会得到免费的交通到您的Facebook大赛从你的粉丝社交网络


利用Facebook的为你的营销计划的一个关键部分并不一定是一个谜. Following the 6 step system above, you’ll be well positioned to capture new fans and new emails just like Trademark Antique. Click here to launch your next Facebook Contest using the Sweepstakes.



弥敦道Latka已经支持了增长 100,000 所有没有大学文凭 - 利用社交媒体和数据驱动的运动小型企业.