这已经不是什么秘密,手机和平板电脑专门正在成为人们正在利用查找资料的主要设备, 玩游戏, 并与他们在社交网络上的朋友搞. 虽然这是一个主要的设备类型, 营销仍然难倒了,如何正确地货币化这些设备. 该 信息图表cheat sheet below outlines a few usage stats and figures about tablets that Google found in a study they did of over 1400 平板电脑用户.
The very creative people at Desk have put together a comprehensive Infographic detailing how one might run a business from a smartphone with thirteen different apps.
We use several of the apps mentioned ourselves but have mixed feels about running one’s entire business from a smartphone.
You know your company can’t afford to ignore therise of mobile technologieswhen it comes to marketing your products or services and to better understanding your customers.
But what do you do when your marketing department isn’t on board just yet? It’s a tricky issue because you’re talking about a serious shift in culture in order to make the most of the mobile opportunity. Here are five steps to get the right conversation started.
The Heyo Blog is always on the lookout for insightful, well-written articles on the topic of social media marketing for businesses. If you’re interested in writing a piece for us, check out the guidelines here.