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Social Media Marketing for Business

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David A. George

一月 21, 2013

如何: 17 如何有效增加你的电子邮件营销名单,现在

一月 21, 2013 | 由 | 6 评论">6 评论

传闻振铃. 他们说, – 电子邮件营销是死. 社会化媒体为王.

但是我要说, 等待! 没有这么快. 考虑下面的统计数据:

  • 每日更新Twitter: 174 百万 (在忙碌的一天)
  • 每日的Facebook帖子: 1 十亿
  • 每日电子邮件: 188 十亿

这是正确的, 乡亲 – 188 十亿 每一天的电子邮件出门. 这比Facebook和Twitter联合!

如果你还没有开始发展您的电子邮件营销名单, 这还不算太晚. 而对于那些你们谁已经开始, 阅读学习 17 方法,你可以马上发展你的电子邮件营销名单…



一月 13, 2013

如何建立粉丝页面处理 5 简单步骤

一月 13, 2013 | 由 | 21 评论">21 评论

你经常听到人们谈论他们是如何 使用他们的Facebook粉丝页面,以拓展业务.

你和我很少有空闲时间, 但今天, 你已经发现了一些,并决定让你的粉丝页面设置.


你刚才问过自己: “这是一个快速, 易, 导游,实际上可以帮助我得到一个有效的粉丝页面或者这只是另一篇文章认为会生病花 10 分钟阅读,仍然在最后丢失?”

这是最快的, 最简单的方法来建立一个 Facebook粉丝页面 产生喜欢, 电子邮件线索, 销售.


David George

一月 11, 2013

终极3-应用解决方案的Facebook营销W /信息图!

A lot of people have been asking, What are the best kinds of apps to create for my Facebook Fan Page?

Answer: 大问题! 有 3 apps that you should definitely think about applying to your Fan Page. They’ll do 3 things:

1. Provide your customers with information
2. Allow you to increase your revenue, 和
3. Gather information/help build your email marketing list.

和, pretty much every time, the next statement is 很好, WHAT ARE THEY?

1. Make a Welcome tab

Now I know what you’re thinkingIsn’t there an ‘Aboutsection on Facebook already?

You’re exactly right, and you should include your contact information, store hours, and other pertinent info in that part.

但, this app is where you get to show off your businessexpertise. Whether you’re a retailer, 餐厅, 摄影师, 笔者 – 不管你做什么 – use this tab to show beautiful pictures of your dining room or studio. Give snippets from your upcoming book, or clothing line.

Use this section as almost a teaser to the viewer, displaying the best work you have done. You can even include a Fan Gate here to help boost your social reach!

But don’t be unfairoffer the viewer something in exchange for their Like.

2. Build an Online Store tab

It’s time to start bringing in the big bucks, 婴儿!

拥有超过 1 Billion users on Facebook, the social network is the perfect place to have a storefront.

Use a Facebook tab/app to display your current product line, new artwork, let people listen to your music, they can even view your realty listings.

Keep the page clean and simple, you don’t want to distract your viewers from the main attraction. 还, make sure you include a BUY button in a prominent placebecause after all, that is the bottom line, 是不是?

3. Create an Email Capture/Contest form

If you haven’t started growing your email marketing listDO IT NOW!

Email marketing is, by far, the most effective way to retain a running list of your customers and begin a relationship with their inbox.

And who doesn’t love winning? Some of the most successful social media campaigns belong to contests. Contests give you the ability to trade the viewers email address in exchange for a chance to win some awesome stuff!

或, you can do things like offering a free download or e-book if someone signs up for your newsletter, 博客, subscription list, 等.

Something to rememberdon’t forget to add social sharing buttons to help entrants share this awesome opportunity with their own social networks.

Download the Ultimate 3-App Solution guide here

Facebook marketing 3-app solution

David George

一月 3, 2013

顶级移动营销发展趋势:在 2013

一月 3, 2013 | 由 | 7 评论">7 评论

Think about your mobile phone for a second… where is it right now?

If I was a betting man, I’d wager that just a quick glance from your computer screen or a swift reach for your pocket is all it takes to locate it.

但, that wasn’t just a lucky guess. Mobile phones have become such an integral part of our daily lives. Current reports are showing that 91% of mobile users keep their phone within 3 feet of themselves at all timesthat’s 24-7-365 婴儿!

And since mobile internet usage is projected to overtake desktop internet usage by 2014 (来源: Microsoft Tag) 有 4 very important mobile marketing trends you need to know about to optimize your business for mobile search


David George

十一月 27, 2012


十一月 27, 2012 | 由 | 4 评论">4 评论

Hey everyone, great news! For all you folks who are leaving your competition in the dust with your Heyo Mobile App, things just got a little bit sweeter.

现在, you can specify a custom domain name for your Mobile App built with Heyo!

If branding is important to you, you can’t miss this.

Read more to see exactly how to set up your custom Mobile App URL right now


Jim Risner

十一月 26, 2012

赚钱一个Facebook页面中 7 简便的方法

十一月 26, 2012 | 由 | 16 评论">16 评论

小型企业, 初创企业和专营权都货币化的Facebook页面, 但你不能弄清楚如何做自己.

连接到你的客户是伟大的, 但我们是真实的, 与所有的营销努力的底线是 … 很好, 底线.

Facebook的本身甚至无法弄清楚如何赚钱一个Facebook页面的广告外, 但幸运的你, Facebook网页给出了一个独特的机会做自己.

更多阅读和学习的顶部 7 如何做到这一点…


Jim Risner

十一月 16, 2012

如何: 3 如何使你的企业增加旅游线路交通

十一月 16, 2012 | 由 | 6 评论">6 评论

拥有超过 1/3 Facebook的整个社交网络登录到Facebook的移动每一天, 每一个企业是不是移动营销需要有.

和企业都在移动现在问, 我能做些什么来提高移动应用程序的流量?

如果你曾经发现自己问这个问题, 阅读更多地看到你究竟是如何做到这一点, 一个小东西叫做网址经济…
