To get you going, here’s a list of the best tools and tactics that you can use for whomever’s email address it is that you need to find. From there it’s going to be about crafting the kind of outreach email that someone really wants to read.
The Social Media Manager’s Daily, Weekly, Monthly Checklist
September 15, 2015 | By Kevan Lee | No Comments">No Comments
Hmm, I feel like I’m forgetting something.
OK, where to begin?
These thoughts will sometimes race through my head when I’m sitting down to focus on social media time. I’ll fire up Twitter and Facebook and Buffer and want really bad to ensure that I’m covering all my bases and spending time in the best way possible.
And on the good days, I’m right into the groove where I know exactly what to do next and what are the most important tasks that need to get done.
The difference for me is with making a checklist for my social media activities.