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Social Media Marketing for Business

Heyo Blog - Pagina 10 van 77 - Social Media Marketing for Businesses

Kirsty Moreland


Juli 8, 2016

9 Steps to Building your Social Media Identity


For a message that travels further

It’s the age of the startup, and it seems like everywhere you look people are launching their own business. Disconcertingly, for many of us, the marketing process seems like uncharted territory.

Establishing and developing your brand’s online presence is a critical step and knowing where to start can be tricky. Dus hier zijn 9 essential steps that will help any new business establish a brand identity and a great online presence!

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Jen Drumm


Juli 7, 2016

Engage and Activate Your Audience With a Back-To-School Promotion

Running a Back-To-School contest or sweepstakes is a great way to engage your social media audience during a peak retail window. As students and parents rush to prepare for the new school year, they’re looking for inspiration and offers that will help them make purchase decisions. And with so many brands competing for their attention, giving this audience a reason to engage with uw brand early on gives you a better chance of building a relationship that will last well beyond the Fall. Het punt is, Back-To-School is Around-The-Corner so it’s time to jump on it.




The good news is there are a lot of ways to break into the back-to-school conversation, no matter what your brand’s product or service offering is. Here are a few ideas to get you started:

  • Visual Marketing Campaigns. Even though attention is starting to focus forward into the school year, there’s still a great opportunity to invite users to share their summer fun with your brand’s community for a chance to win a relevant back-to-school prize. Run a photo or video contest where people can submit their content for a chance to win. Registration will be required for entry, allowing you to continue to grow your marketing communications database.

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  • Instant Win or Hashtag Promo with a Discount Code. Drive traffic to both eComm and Brick & Mortar purchase settings by running an instant win or hashtag campaign where all winners receive a discount code towards the purchase of a product or service that fits into the back-to-school landscape.

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Unsure of where to run your promotion? Facebook Contests are a great way to reach a wide range of customers, while Instagram or Twitter will each reach a different demographic. Maybe you want to capture customers who are already visiting your site – in which case a contest microsite would be more relevant.

Struggling to figure out how to insert your brand into the Back-To-School conversation? Our Customer Success team will help you strategize on the best way to leverage this energetic shopping window in a way that makes the most sense for your brand. Contact Us to learn more or to schedule a demo with an Account Representative.

Leona Hinton


Juni 28, 2016

3 Major Components of a Winning Facebook Post

Juni 28, 2016 | Door | 3 Reacties"& Gt;3 Reacties


To write a really good post on Facebook is no small task. Besides your natural talent for writing great articles, there’s something else that you need to take into consideration. You have to know how you should write Facebook posts, especially if you do it for your business.

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Mike Hanski


Juni 21, 2016

What You Can Learn From Social Media UGC Campaigns That Went Viral


To build awareness, gain trust, and engage new customers, your brand needs content. Endless streams of content. The problem is that creating and distributing content can consume a lot of time and energy for business owners and marketers.

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Michael Georgiou


Juni 16, 2016

The Dos and Don’ts of Twitter Automation


Many of us in digitale marketing have mixed feelings about automating Twitter accounts. It helps us by saving time and simultaneously maintaining a steady flow of posts geared towards increasing brand visibility and generating user engagement. Alternatief, it can make you appear foolish.

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Jane Hurst


Juni 14, 2016

Spice Up Your Business with these 9 Social Media and Productivity Tools


No matter how well your business is doing, there are always ways to make it even better. All you need are the right tools to help you with productivity. You also need tools to help you with one of the most important aspects of business today: social media marketing.

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Lucy Hitz


Juni 9, 2016

5 Measurement Tips for Finding ROI on Social


Social ROI. The holy grail. That special something. What every social marketer wants and so many SaaS solutions promise.

"How many sales were driven by social?” That’s Social ROI, rechts? Zeker, unless you can’t attribute every sale to a specific source, or there’s unknown overlap between your social and other marketing channel, of…de lijst gaat maar door. It’s not so simple.

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