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David A. George

一月 28, 2013

[信息图] Survey: Where is your Small Business headed in 2013?

They say bad news sells.

This may be true, and we may have had a big dose of it recently, but here’s something a little different that you’ll like to hear for your small business in 2013.

Barry Moltz is a leading author, 扬声器, and influencer in the small business industry. He’s incredibly smart, and has worlds of wisdom for getting stuck business owners unstuck and marching forward (if you’re not following him, you’re out of the loop).

每年, he sends out an annual small business survey to his clients (incl. Capital One, OfficeMax, Wells Fargo, MIT, and Harvard, 仅举几) to test the waters on what they think 2013 will hold.

So here are the results, in bold and beautiful infographic form


Corey Donohue

一月 25, 2013


一月 25, 2013 | 由 | 2 评论">2 评论


就在最近,, 我们已经介绍了美丽, 新的谷歌图片搜索功能. 新的更新被认为是快, 更可靠, 创造一个更好的视觉体验为您的图像.


David A. George

一月 15, 2013

[BREAKING] Facebook的推出图搜索, 新武器的小型企业

Facebook just made a HUGE announcement today that will impact the way we search for information forever. Just how BIG was this announcement, 你问? When you consider the following numbers, it’s hard to even grasp! – 几乎 1 million new people join daily – 240+ Billion photos – 1+ 十亿人, 和 – 1+ Trillion connections What ifyou could “图搜索” the massive open graph network for specific and important places, 照片, 事件, and people? 很好, that’s the idea! Keep reading to find out exactly what this huge announcement was and why it changes information search for good 阅读更多

David A. George

一月 15, 2013

什么是新的Facebook图搜索 [图片内]

嘿家伙, 听好了! 你知道这?

马克·扎克伯格正在筹划重大宣布在美国东部时间下午1点 (10上午PST) 在新的Facebook改变我们的,将影响所有.


– 新的iPad应用程序.
– 移动视频广告网络.
– 智能手机 (远投)
– 更新的新闻饲料
– 一个更大的拓展搜索 (远投)
– 新的广告格式 (绝对移动, 也许视频)




一月 13, 2013

如何建立粉丝页面处理 5 简单步骤

一月 13, 2013 | 由 | 21 评论">21 评论

你经常听到人们谈论他们是如何 使用他们的Facebook粉丝页面,以拓展业务.

你和我很少有空闲时间, 但今天, 你已经发现了一些,并决定让你的粉丝页面设置.


你刚才问过自己: “这是一个快速, 易, 导游,实际上可以帮助我得到一个有效的粉丝页面或者这只是另一篇文章认为会生病花 10 分钟阅读,仍然在最后丢失?”

这是最快的, 最简单的方法来建立一个 Facebook粉丝页面 产生喜欢, 电子邮件线索, 销售.


Dennis Yu

一月 10, 2013

余允抗: Numbers Geek

一月 10, 2013 | 由 | 14 评论">14 评论

Ready to geek out with me?

Guess where users are spending more timeTV or mobile/web?

首次, mobile/web wins– 在 197 minutes per day versus 168 分钟. That would seem to be 6 hours per day, but it’s actually closer to 4, since most people have their phones while watching TV.


David George

十二月 14, 2012

5 Facebook的错误,杀死你的转换

十二月 14, 2012 | 由 | 2 评论">2 评论

停止! 不管你做什么, 不要那样做!


大多数营销人员甚至不知道他们犯这些错误, 所以不要成为其中之一!

将清单一看. 机会, 你可能使得至少一个这些错误,甚至没有意识到这一点…
