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Social Media Marketing for Business

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John Social

八月 2, 2013

9 重要的谷歌Apps for Business的所有者和营销

足智多谋. 作为一个企业主, 数字营销或技术怪杰, 你有足够的内在激情,加快你的工作量. Efficiency is a key component in running your business at an optimal level. 这是 2013. There’s no excuse for slow-down in the tech age.

如果你正在寻找分享实时的文档, 监控您的网站的流量或巩固您的日历到一个中央位置, 不要再观望. I’ve compiled a comprehensive list of essential Google Apps for business owners and Digital Marketers. PLUS, a look into maximizing each one. These include:


Dustin DeTorres

五月 22, 2013


我们看好 18 到 24 几个月远离增强现实. 谷歌的玻璃项目已经得到了一吨的炒作近日有很好的理由. 很快,我们就不会被绊周围像行尸走肉的僵尸短信与我们低着头, 步入繁忙的街道, 冲入行人和可能 运行到熊. 在 2 我们都在寻找在几年每个人的脸, 在增强世界的互动. 这会不会是 良好 我们?


Bria Jordan

五月 3, 2013

Google 的: 你的黄金票市场营销机会

尽管是世界上最流行的搜索引擎, 许多企业还没有利用谷歌或其属性有效.

谷歌加 – 该 第二大社交网络 在世界上 - 是为企业特别有用, 但许多人仍然没有在船上.


Sam DeBord

四月 17, 2013


四月 17, 2013 | 由 | 8 评论">8 评论

你可能见过的作家越来越多的图片展示了在搜索结果旁边. 谷歌已经实现了一个 著作权标记 工具,允许作家,以确定自己的搜索引擎通过将他们的网上作品的Google 个人资料.

这允许一个博客, 文章, 或网站,从拥挤的搜索结果中脱颖而出,与作家的图片插入旁边的说明.


Jim Risner

三月 14, 2013


Breaking news coming from Google this afternoon, and for fans of Google Reader, it appears daunting.

For those who have chosen to establish residence under a rock, Google Reader is one of the web’s best-known feeds through which users can pull content from various sources around the internet.

Citing a decline in users, Google has announced this afternoon to turn off the stadium lights on its popular RSS feed app on July 1ST.


Jeffrey Vocell

三月 8, 2013

12 Google 的社区营销

三月 8, 2013 | 由 | 8 评论">8 评论

According to a GlobalWebIndex report, Google+ is now the second most used social platform, beating even Twitter and LinkedIn.

While there has been a lot of discussion about the data behind GlobalWebIndex’s study it shows that Google+ is a platform that marketers cannot ignore. It’s so important for search rankings, content and more that we’re better off jumping in early.


Corey Donohue

一月 25, 2013


一月 25, 2013 | 由 | 2 评论">2 评论


就在最近,, 我们已经介绍了美丽, 新的谷歌图片搜索功能. 新的更新被认为是快, 更可靠, 创造一个更好的视觉体验为您的图像.
